25mm Female BSPT Superflo Brass Piston Valve Body
At certain times of the year I need to run portable troughs in my paddocks, is it possible to run these off my existing Super-Flo valve?
Yes, the Super-Flo trough Valve incorporates a 25mm (1”) thread on the valve outlet which you can utilise the spare adaptors that come with the valve to enable you to attach any number of poly pipe fittings to the Super-Flo trough Valve. This off take can be used for any number of farm applications.
At present I get valve bounce in my troughs, will the Super-Flo valve stop this?
Yes, valve bounce is created from high flows at high pressures, because our Hansen Super-Flo valve delivers higher flows than other valves it will effectively reduce line pressure which in return will reduce the incidences of this problem by also reducing water hammer.
I have problems with having to forever clean my valves as my water supply can get dirty at times, how will the Hansen Super-Flo valve handle these conditions?
We have designed the Hansen Super-Flo valve to work in either clean or dirty water situations.
My troughs have both 20mm & 25mm threaded inlets, does your Hansen Super-Flo Valve come in both sizes?
Yes, the Hansen Super-Flo Valve comes with the required components to install in 20mm or 25mm threaded inlets. This of course means you only need to buy one valve for all sized inlets.
The valves I have a present have a tendency to jam open or closed costing me time and either a bog around my trough or no available water for my stock, will your valves stop this problem?
Yes, the Hansen Super-Flo valve has a new patent pending “Slipper Fit Piston” design seal assembly to minimise this problem.
What pressure can I run my Hansen Super-Flo Valve at?
The Hansen Sueper-Flo Valve will operate from 0.2 bar to 12 bar.
Will the higher flow cost me more to run my pump?
No, because the Hansen Super-Flo valve is more efficient than what you are used to. The reduced operating pressure required will equate to higher flows at lower pressures at your pump which in turn will reduce pumping time and cost.